Aircraft Fuel Consumption Calculator - By choosing Aviapages, you can be sure of a great choice of business jets, private helicopters, FBO’s, brokers, manufacturers and other information you need on a daily basis. We offer more than 10000 aircraft for booking even in the most distant and exotic destinations.
If you just want something simple, just look up the average fuel consumption for the aircraft type (in gallons per hour), and multiply that by the duration of the flight. Although airlines have more sophisticated tools to plan refuelling, this is how GA pilots estimate how much fuel there should be in the tank.
Aircraft Fuel Consumption Calculator
What I want to work out is the fuel required, as this will apply a cost to the airline. I know there are many many things such as wind, temperature, regulatory requirements like alternate airport etc but I want something simple.
Official fuel consumption figures can be hard to get hold of because the Pilots' Operating Handbook and other documentation for the aircraft might not be publicly available, but it's easy to find out rough figures from web forums populated by pilots of that type.
Aviapages lets you charter, buy or sell private jets, book business aviation related services: FBOs, dealers, brokers. Buy or sell aircraft, order flight support, handling or catering.
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